Varful Muntele Mare traseu cu minunate peisaje din Apuseni
Muntele Mare
Muntele Mare is the thirdhighest tip inthe Apuseni.The tophas flatalpine meadowsandjuniper treeslike ahigh altitudeplateauwithgreat viewsto the south-east, towards the Trascau mountains, Metaliferi mountains and eventoFagaras mountains on clear days. Muntele Mare tripis a delightin summerwhenberriesareat homehere, andfallawaywhenthe brightred of thecranberries fills the view.It is appropriate for lightoffroadlaps tours because it iscrossed bycountry andforest roadsthat candownbothAries ValleyandSomesul Rece or youcan drivetoScărişoaraorBaisoara.